Discover the best of luxury shopping in Lake Como: a journey between artisan tradition and modern design. From silk scarves to cashmere garments, handcrafted bags to local fragrances, each product tells a unique story. Immerse yourself in the authentic beauty of the Lario and enjoy an exclusive and refined shopping experience.
Discover the rich history of devotion and resilience in Como during the cholera epidemics. From the heartfelt vow to the Virgin Mary at the Chapel of Nosetta to the annual July procession, this account reveals a community's unyielding faith amidst hardship. Learn about the origins of the Lauretane litanies, the evolving traditions of St. Augustine's parish, and the architectural transformations of the Nosetta Chapel. Dive into the narrative of prayers, vows, and restoration efforts that preserved a sacred legacy through centuries of trials and triumphs.
Check out the interview with Tabata Caldironi, former dancer and author of Puccini's The Wounded Women. We explore with her the role of Puccini's heroines, the influence of art on social change, and the connection between creativity and femininity in the modern world.